



This poem is specially dedicated to my one and only beloved mother ZANARIAH AZIZ@OMAR. you are my angle, you are my sunshine, you are my everything. without you i am nobody. and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MOM!!

Dear Mother I love you and want you to know,
I think of you often wherever I go.
You lift me up; you're like walking sunshine;
I am lucky to have a great mother like mine.

Your endless affection makes you special and rare;
I'm always amazed by how much you care.
What you've given to me I can never repay,

Every day since I was born,
My mother cared for me.
Now that’s a lot of caring,
As anyone can see.

Please, Lord, protect my mother,
And keep her safe from harm,
For she is a cherished person,
With great wisdom, love and charm.

without you I wouldn’t have
the all encompassing comfort
of a mother’s unconditional love…
your love, for me.
You are always there for me, Mom.
Whenever I need you,
to cheer me up, make me smile,
bolster my confidence,
or sympathize with me and ease my worries,
you fill up my empty, hurting places
with your boundless affection.

Your loving presence in my life
gives me a reassuring feeling
of security and peace.
Thank you, Mom,

and Happy Birthday!

With lot's of love,
your beloved daughter
amalina ribwan


i'm BACK!

berhabuk dah blog ni.lme jugak aku tingallkan since aku tidak lagi bergerak solo.ceewahh. aku pon dh tuka layout jd lebih cool and relax.cool ke.tah aku rase cool jugak layout aku skrng. nothing much to sorry about.just final exam is just arround the corner.cuaakk gila mak ai.taktaw la boleh score ke tk ni.tapi harap harap boleh.mesti boleh.aku nak grad cepat cepat boleh kawen cepat.woohooo!!

cakap pasal kawen cepat sume family aku tk setuju aku nak kawen awl.mse belaja.sobss sedehnye.abg lagi la hyperbola. cakap "nanti anak along makan belalang, pastu along dduk rumah setinggan, lepastu <3 jadi petani" example nak exaggerate je.haih -.-'

insyaallah, aku bertekad nak habiskan study on time then grad terus kawen.tknak kene hantar kat sabah sarawakk.waa.nnt kene pagi kerja naik sampan.cane nak pakai shawl dgn pakai heel tinggi tinggi kalau pergi keja naik sampan.tak vogue la cmtu.haha

mlm ni ade ABPBH, kot kot shahir boleh menang kan.sape taw.woot woot

k nak solat chiowww


terasa kembali kosong

setiap saat saya bukan untuk awak

terima kasih atas peringatan ini

“Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.” -Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286

kuatlah wahai hati,sesungguhya masih
ade lg pelangi utk hari esok.
bersabar itu besar gnjarannya

Tiga tahun enam bulan

ada apa dengan tahun,dengan bulan.jika hati tidak semerah dahulu,jika rase tidak semekar dahulu.kita hanya merancang tuhan menentukan.who knows their fate.who knows what will happen in the future.but yet,i am still grate full.thanks allah for the blessing.we gain and lost.each time we loss he will replace with something better.setiap perpisahan itu mengajar kita untuk lebih mematangkan diri, setiap kehilangan itu mengajar kita untuk lebih menghargai.this is my part.this is my fate.allah tidak akan memberikan dugaan diluar kemampuan hambanya.ada kala kita gembira, ada kala kita berduka.ini lah warna kehidupan..

iloveyoualwaysandforever myar